Oklahoma Motorcycle Helmet Law

This list of Oklahoma motorcycle helmet laws is a reference only and you should always refer to the Oklahoma D.O.T. for current requirements.  Please e-mail us if you believe our Oklahoma motorcycle helmet law information is out of date or otherwise incorrect.

Oklahoma has helmet laws that exempt adult riders, riders over the age of majority -- 18 years old and over!

Olkahoma Motorcycle Helmet Statue: 
"The following equipment shall be required on all motorcycles and all motor scooters except on actual trail rides conducted outside of public roads and highways:
"G. Headgear: No person under eighteen (18) years of age shall operate or ride upon any vehicle covered under this section unless such person is equipped with and wearing on the head a crash helmet of a type which complies with standards established by the Department of Public Safety. . . ."


Title 47. Motor Vehicles. Highway Safety Code. Chapter 40. Highway Safety Code Ancillaries. Section 40-105. Required Equipment. : 
"G. Headgear: . . . All crash helmets shall consist of lining, padding and chin straps and be of the type as not to distort the view of the driver. The Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety is hereby authorized to approve or disapprove protective headgear and eye-protective devices sold and required herein, and to issue and enforce regulations establishing standards and specifications for approval thereof. 
"The Commissioner shall publish lists of all approved protective headgear and eye-protective devices by name and type. Provided, however, the Department may not recommend one brand in preference to another if quality is identical."

Eye Protection 
Required unless equipped with wind screen. 

Daytime Use Of Headlight 
Required by law. 
Modulating headlight permitted. 

Passenger Seat 
Required if carrying a passenger. 

Passenger Footrests 
Required if carrying a passenger. 

Left and right required by law. 

Periodic Safety Inspection 
Required by law. 

65 MPH Speed Limit 
In effect on designated rural interstate highways. 


The purpose of the Oklahoma Human Rights Commission is "to work toward removing friction, eliminating discrimination and promoting unity and understanding among all the people of Oklahoma". It is specifically charged to "alone and in cooperation with other organizations and agencies, public and private, discourage discrimination and encourage fair treatment of all persons regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, age, handicap or ancestry". 74 Okla.. Statutes Sec 953. The State policy of Oklahoma realizes that to advance the general welfare of the State of Oklahoma, all citizens must be given the opportunity to reach their full potential and has therefore declared that any inhibiting condition caused by racial, ethnic, or religious factors, are matters of concern to the State Government, which threaten the rights and privileges of all the citizens, and the institutions of a free and democratic society. 30 Okla. Statutes Sec. 951. Any person whose exercise or enjoyment of rights secured by the Constitution or Laws of the United States of America, has been interfered with or attempted to be interfered with, may bring a complaint to the Oklahoma Human Rights Commission, as well as file a civil lawsuit.

The United States Supreme Court ruled in the case of Cohen vs. California, 403 U.S. 15 (1971) that individuals have the constitutional right under the First Amendment, to wear clothing which displays writing or designs. In addition to the right of an individual to freedom of association has long been recognized and protected by the United States Supreme Court Thus, a person's right to wear the clothing of his choice, as well as his right to belong to any club or organization of his choice, it is constitutionally protected and persons or establishments who discriminate on the basis of clothing or club membership are subject to lawsuit.