Hawaii Motorcycle Helmet Law

This list of Hawaii motorcycle helmet laws is a reference only and you should always refer to the Hawaii D.O.T. for current requirements.  Please e-mail us if you believe our Hawaii motorcycle helmet law information is out of date or otherwise incorrect.

Hawaii has helmet laws that exempt adult riders, riders over the age of majority -- 18 years old and over!


Division 1. Government. Title 17. Motor and Other Vehicles. Chapter 286. Highway Safety. Part IV. Safety Equipment. Section 286-81. motorcycle, motor scooter, etc.; protective devices. : 
"No person shall: 
"(1) Operate a motorcycle or motor scooter, on any highway in the State unless the person and any passenger the person carries on the motorcycle or motor scooter wears (A) safety glasses, goggles, or a face shield, in the case of a motorcycle or motor scooter that is not equipped with windscreens or windshields; and (B) any other protective devices, other than a safety helmet, required by rules and regulations adopted by the state director of transportation. . . .

"(3) . . . No person less than eighteen years of age shall operate or ride as a passenger on a motorcycle or motor scooter on any highway in the State unless the person wears a safety helmet securely fastened with a chin strap."

State Funded Rider Education 
Available for all eligible applicants. 

Eye Protection 
Required unless equipped with wind screen. 

Passenger Seat 
Required if carrying a passenger. 

Passenger Footrests 
Required if carrying a passenger. 

Passenger Age Restrictions 
Prohibits passengers under age 7. 

Required by law. 

Periodic Safety Inspection 
Required by law. 


Article Il, Section 2 of the Hawaii Constitution states that "all persons are free by nature and are equal in their inherent and inalienable rights. Among these rights are the enjoyment of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness... the rights cannot endure unless people recognize their corresponding obligations and responsibilities." Hawaii law further states that, "Unfair discriminatory practices which deny, or attempt to deny, a person the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations of a place of public accommodation on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, ancestry, or handicap are prohibited" Hawaii Statutes Section 483-3. In Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15 (1971), the United States Supreme Court ruled that American citizens have the First Amendment right to wear clothing that displays writings or designs. Additionally, the right of freedom of association has long been recognized and protected by the United States Supreme Court Accordingly, in Hawaii, an individual's right to motorcycle attire is constitutionally protected, and individuals or establishments who discriminate on the basis of motorcycle attire are subject to lawsuits.